I once heard the
tale of a falling star,
It landed on earth,
So bright and beautiful,
God didn't know what to do with it.
After much thought, he finally decided-
To reshape it into a woman,
A woman so bright and beautiful,
It landed on earth,
So bright and beautiful,
God didn't know what to do with it.
After much thought, he finally decided-
To reshape it into a woman,
A woman so bright and beautiful,
Spark in her
eyes as bright as stars.
I never believed in the tale.
I never believed in the tale.
When I saw you,
I began to think about it.
When I started talking to you,
I began to believe in it.
And now,
I truly believe that you are the falling star,
My dear falling star,
Landed on earth for me.
I promise to keep you as bright and beautiful,
Maintain the spark in your eyes as bright as stars,
With you in my life.
I began to think about it.
When I started talking to you,
I began to believe in it.
And now,
I truly believe that you are the falling star,
My dear falling star,
Landed on earth for me.
I promise to keep you as bright and beautiful,
Maintain the spark in your eyes as bright as stars,
With you in my life.
Dedicated to…
- Still in
Mr. M. Sai
MBA Final