Saturday, October 8, 2016


So, this is just a normal write up. So normal, that there would be literally nothing to get inspired, seek knowledge, grow wisdom, gain experience out of all the sentences you would read from now on. But, this is not just like any other article. Because, this is coming out of so much so boredom, so much, it would be gazillions in proportion.

There is only one point here, to be as ambiguous as possible, like the theory of Newton’s first law states, “A body stays in motion and an object at rest at rest, unless acted upon by an external agent”, oops, I just feel that some external force, may be, my thought to write this thing somehow acted upon and I started writing something else, just like this, Science has grown to a proportion unimaginable, rockets up above the world so high, carrying satellites in the sky, whoa, if you just realized, that was sounding like our nursery rhyme !
In continuum of this boredom article, I would also love to say that there is no end to imagination, which is why, we have Hollywood grossing thousands of crores for a single movie, sugarless desserts, meal replacing vitamin tablets, war heads, human war heads, goes on and on but still this boredom is on!

What do I do is what my brain is murdering my heart, my heart cries in pain for it’s never its fault. My child inside, is feeding on my brains because of which this boredom article is being written with lot of veins. Brutally honest I would be with you, hahaha, I never am writing another article like this, it’s true!

That’s it, I did it. For the first time, I wrote a paragraph with multiple rhyming sentences! That was my first ever try on something like that. Glad you would like it! I have this stupid grin on my face, for my conscious is already speaking to me “you will get it one day, one day, you will face the wrath of people who read this article” is what it says. Now I am worried for I am not sure what I am writing out of my boredom.

I have miles to go and promises to keep, a job to do, people to protect and one last thing, to finish this article in pride.  What did I say? Didn’t I say that this article would make no sense at all, that it would be just as normal as your life is going like! Exactly, just hold this thought in your mind

That’s what I always speak about. See, writing needs no particular topic or a precise thought on which one has to write. Get something in your mind and do it. Elongate it, add some sense and beautify it! I understand we get into writers block, but we have enough blocks in our life. This is the last thing we would want to happen.

Start writing everybody, for if you start writing, you might finish some pencils, some pens or both, some energy into thoughts, but ones addicted, it’s tougher than any other addictions out there, no stash doing nothing. Stash, this gets me started to write some more. But, here I stop, for the reader got what I wanted to convey. Now go, charge your Gyrus and Sulcus, do it now!


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