purpose of education is to develop your mind, and to help you think
seen many people blame maths,especially in India, for not being useful and
saying that it does no good to them. The purpose of maths( which I believe is
quite synonymous to the purpose of education)
is to help sharpen your mind; think more analytically, strain your gray cells and build the ability to develop ideas and innovate. While there might be a little use of maths in its practicality, the above mentioned impact of maths(or education, for (that matter) is very useful.
is to help sharpen your mind; think more analytically, strain your gray cells and build the ability to develop ideas and innovate. While there might be a little use of maths in its practicality, the above mentioned impact of maths(or education, for (that matter) is very useful.
purpose of money is to make your life more comfortable and enjoyable, and
unless you know how to productively use the money, the money is no good, is it?
Education gives you the rationale, the ability to prioritise and realise that it
is a trade off and use your time and money most efficiently and effectively,
and maximise your satisfaction.
may earn a lot of money, but your lifestyle and the utilisation of money, is as
important as earning the money. A person earning 50,000 INR may be happier than
a person earning 1,00,000 , because the former utilises his money well.
realise the importance of the environment, and your duty towards it. I have
seen rich people litter the streets. They are monetarily rich, but
sensibly and mentally poor. Education helps you become a better citizen.
professionals in the field of computer science, engineering, management,
professors, lawyers, accountants are respected and paid a lot of money, as
can say that education is a very smart investment.
educated does not guarantee all of the above, nor does not being
educated make all of the above impossible, but getting yourself educated will
help in making your life more enjoyable, and understanding things better.