Saturday, January 30, 2016


On December 15th 2015, Ms. Shabnam Siddiqui of Centre for Excellence, GCNI, addressed the BBA, IMBA and B.Com students on promoting transparency in Smart cities. The lecture was jointly organised by GCNI and GITAM Institute of Management. The 10 smart cities where transparency is being promoted include- Bhubaneshwar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Lucknow, Mangaluru, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi and Vishakhapatnam.

UN GCNI is the largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiated in the world offering a unique platform to engage companies in responsible business behaviour through the 10 principles focusing on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti corruption etc. It was formed in November 2003 and registered as NPO to function as the Indian Local Network of the UNGC. At present the India Network ranks among the top 3 out of the 102 local networks in the world, and has emerged as the largest corporate citizenship and social responsibility organisation. The Center of Excellence develops pragmatic approaches around UNGC principle 10 and provides enabling platforms to business, policy makers, civil society, industry associates, UN agency and academia. It aims to improve organisational decision making through a stakeholder management framework that integrates transparency and integrity. It offers knowledge repository, research/surveys, deliberation/dialogue, need/risk assessment, expert panel, training/capacity, networking/collective action, compendium of positive anti corruption policies and practices, enabling environment/policy change and sustainability.

In this highly interactive session with students a number of ideas were offered on how to empower citizens, spread knowledge, create accountability and transparency and change bureaucratic mindset. 
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