sensitizing lecture on “Diet for healthy living” was organized by the team of
Abhaya- a wing of the Women Empowerment Cell of GITAM University. This session
was organized in GITAM Institute of Management on 17th February,
2016. The chief speaker was Dr. Usha Gajapathi Raju, Medical Nutrition
Therapist. Prof. P.Sheela, Vice-Principal, GITAM Institute of Management gave
the welcome address.
Usha Gajapathi Raju spoke about how to maintain a balanced diet. She stressed
on the food habits of today’s generation and very precisely explained about the
cons of the food habits being followed by the youngsters. She told some facts
about junk food which astonished the students. She highlighted the great
hazards involved in consuming soft drinks. She also spoke about diabetes and
explained the difference between type-1 and type-2 diabetes. Dr. Usha Gajapathi
Raju offered to the students a healthy diet plan. All the students and faculty
members of GITAM Institute of Management and also those from other institutes
actively interacted with the chief speaker about their personal diet plans and
their daily routines.