26th July, 2016, a session on “SCOPE & OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS” was conducted by Ms Vanitha Datla, Deputy Chairwoman, IWN
Southern Region & Vice Chairperson, ELICO LTD at Mother Teresa Auditorium,
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam. The
welcome address was delivered by Prof. P. Sheela, Principal, GITAM Institute of
Management. Ms. Datla in her highly
enriching session spoke of the rise of women entrepreneurs in India and the
world. She also spoke of the qualities necessary for women to make a mark in
the corporate world and to establish themselves in the field of
entrepreneurship. From her rich experience, she presented inspiring examples of several women entrepreneurs.
Datla compared the GDP of the India and the U.S. and opined that India too
could have a high GDP like the U.S. if the economic potential of the female
population was fully utilised. She
quoted a survey in 1999 by IIT graduates which found that only 6% of women in
India are working. 48% of the Indian population is female and has a
responsibility to contribute to the GDP. Women’s contribution, she felt would
lead to positive social impact, greatly foster overall economic growth and
reduce poverty . She opined that women make better entrepreneurs because they
are good at multi-tasking, excel in building relationships and are superior in
emotional intelligence. Calling for a greater representation for women in all
areas, she emphasized that if Indian women contributed 10% more to the GDP,
then India’s GDP could easily be 8%. She gave six tips or six ups to the
students about leadership –SHOW UP, SPEAK UP, LOOK UP, TEAM UP, DON’T GIVE UP
and LIFT OTHERS UP. She ended by saying, "Leadership isn't something you
just do, it's something you become." A large number of female students,
faculty, Ms. Poonam Shah, Regional Chair, Young Indians (SR) and Member, IWN
and Ms. M.Lakshmi, Co-Convener, Learning and Development, IWN and Managing Director,
Patra India BPO Services Pvt. Ltd., attended the session. Dr. K. Manjusree
Naidu, Chairperson, Entrepreneurship Cell, GIM, proposed the vote of thanks.