Thursday, January 21, 2016


 Ven. Shinsho Furukawa (president, Japan-India Bodhi society) during his visit to our Institute, addressed the gathering with insights and experiences from his personal life. We were shocked to see the crowd making no sound though he was delivering his speech in Japanese which was translated by a local person. The whole speech was going smoothly until he spoke about the traffic in India. We were stunned by a line of his - “EGO OF INDIANS CREATES TRAFFIC JAMS AT JUNCTIONS”. We wondered if we could accept this observation about our nation made by a foreigner.

Most of the times we are impressed with a line painted on the heavy vehicles - “BLOW HOREN PLEASE BLOW HOREN“, and we start to blow our vehicle horns to intimate the driver of the vehicle indicating that “I AM EAGER TO GO, so vacate the place”. These lines are written to follow traffic rules. But what is the message that we are spreading? Compete with each other and overtake the preceding persons rather than feeling happy with another’s success.  Even when it is not urgent, often we try to overtake each other on the road, creating trouble for others.

When the Japanese guru spoke he made us think that our country has lot of discrimination, lot of ego problems and lot of hurry. There should be greater awareness that peace, patience and positive nature will lead us to a better culture.  Let us learn one thing for sure from the Buddhism, “LET OTHERS GROW AND GO”, which will give the ultimate solution to Indian traffic. Indian traffic is also a reflection of our attitudes, selfishness, false sense of prestige etc. If we follow the rules and let others go without any egoism, there is no need to blow horns of vehicles, no need of wasting human power to control the people who are willingly doing nonsense, no need of fighting against the government for equality. So “DON’T BLOW HORN, PLEASE DON’T BLOW HORN” to make others move aside or warn others about your urgency to become rich.

MBA I year
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