Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Dr. D. Vijaya Geeta
Associate Professor
Department of Operations
GITAM Institute of Management
GITAM University

 Smart City – This is the term we are often hearing nowadays. People are excited about it and looking forward to this initiative taken by Government of India that promises economic growth and improved quality of life. So what is a Smart City? A quick search in the internet shows different definitions which are as follows:

“A city equipped with basic infrastructure to give a decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable environment through application of some smart solutions.” – Times of India

“A smart city uses digital technologies or information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens.” – Wikipedia

“A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government. Excelling in these key areas can be done so through strong human capital, social capital, and/or ICT infrastructure.” – Business dictionary

From all these definitions, one can see that the main elements of the smart city concept are sustainability provided through institutional and physical infrastructure and quality of life consisting of social and economic infrastructure. But what is the need of such smart city? Is it all hype that is created unnecessarily? Why now? To answer these questions, one must understand the present situation in the country. At present India has 31 percent of its population living in cities. This population provides 63% of the country’s economic activity. It is estimated that by 2030, half of the country’s population will live in cities ( With increasing population and urbanization, one requires to develop better infrastructure to serve the needs of the citizens who form the focal point of smart cities endeavor.

Smart city is all about providing better services to its citizens across socio – economic circle. It reflects on provision of better and timely services in terms of livability, workability and sustainability (Krishnamoorthy, 2015). Livability emphasizes on empowered citizens, improved reliability and resilience, hygienic conditions and lower cost of living. Workability emphasizes on creation of new jobs, investment opportunities and safe workplace. Sustainability emphasizes on optimum utilization of energy, less reliance on non-renewable energy and less cost of energy. The promise of such smart city can be fulfilled by making intelligent use of technology.

Intelligent solutions like smart lightening that operates based on the fading visibility will help in conserving the energy in both homes and in the streets. City wide surveillance through connectivity and video analytics will help in ensuring public safety. Solutions like smart financing may help in mobile and online payment (Krishnamoorthy, 2015). Data analysis through smart apps, prompt delivery of services through e-Governance and maintenance of air and water quality through monitoring are some of the smart solutions, a city can adopt (Avinash, 2015).

Across the globe, one can find different cities that have adopted technology to provide smart solutions to support the needs of their citizens. Examples of such cities (Puzhakara, 2015) are given below:
·         Birmingham has digital platform for defining GP service online so that well being and health of the citizens can be taken in online.
·         London boasts of using spatial data analysis and visualization to enable evidence based decision making.
·         The city of Bristol uses smart energy policy to tackle growing energy needs and reducing carbon emissions.
·         The Glasgow city uses future city demonstrator programme.
·         Cities like Chicago and Singapore uses dynamic passenger system, dynamic parking system and automatic bollard system (Chekuri, 2015)
Closer to home we have the initiative adopted in Mumbai for city surveillance in terms of putting up CCTV and Number plate cameras, network connectivity, establishment of data centers, vehicle tracking system and collaboration monitoring (Kohale, 2015). In Visakhapatnam, Pheonix IT solutions started a pilot project in Kirlampudi Layout, Visakhapatnam, named as “Let’s get Smart – Kirlampudi”. In this project, they have started programmes such as Green Vizag which takes care of tree plantation, reusable energy and rain harvesting, Safe Vizag in which sensors are placed in different areas which are directly connected to the nearest phone booth, Clean Vizag which takes are educating people on need of keeping the surrounding clean and segregating the waste in different bins for recycling, Digital Vizag takes care of smart street lighting, CCTV cameras and Wi-Fi connectivity, and Healthy Vizag programme creates the awareness among the citizens on the benefits of Yoga, walking and cycling. A community portal named is also been set up for the benefits of the people residing in that place. All these examples show that technology plays a big role in providing smart solutions. The core elements being Networking, Cloud services, Artificial Intelligence, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytics (Gowda, 2015).

Although technology plays a major role in providing smart solutions and helps in building smart cities, behavioral change in the people is also necessary to make smart city a possibility. Each and every city has its own culture nurtured by its citizens and these citizens need to do their bit in building the smart city. Technology may help in building hi-fi infrastructure but issues like hygiene, environment, health and smart living requires manual interventions from the people themselves. We have different cities in the world where people adopted measures to build a sustainable smart city. Some of them are presented below (Kohale, 2015):
·         Copenhagen has one of the lowest carbon footprints and encourages its people to adopt cycling as means of commuting
·         In Freiburg, people set up a car free neighborhood to conserve energy.
·         In city of Hague, the residents used their own money to restore inactive windmill and thus helped in forming alternate energy system.
·         In Hangzhou, residents have adopted bicycle sharing.
These are only few examples and there are many such cities where technology and people worked together to build a smart city.

One can understand that successful smart cities we find across the globe places emphasis on economy as well as ecology. This should be taken as a success mantra as India goes into building its own smart cities. Since building smart cities in India would be a Brownfield project rather than Greenfield, it requires full understanding of the city. A single solution may not be suitable for all the cities since each city and its culture will different from one another. One must come up with customized plan for each city keeping in view its residents, their culture and views. Building a smart city in collaboration with its people will certainly help in coming with a sustainable model that will serve the present as well as future generations to come. Building a smart city is not just a job for the Government and few private players. It is the responsibility of each and every individual citizen to make it happen. 

1.      Krishnamoorthy, R. (2015), Visions for Smart India – Industry Perspective. In Mohan Rao (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
2.      Gowda, Sandhya. (2015), Visions for Smart India – Industry Perspective. In Mohan Rao (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
3.      Kohale, Jayant. (2015), Smart city visions from around the world. In Raja Srinivas (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
4.      Puzhakara, Abhilash. (2015), Smart city visions from around the world. In Raja Srinivas (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
5.      Avinash, K. R. (2015), Smart city visions from around the world. In Raja Srinivas (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
6.      Chekuri, Srinivas (2015), Smart city visions from around the world. In Preeti Sinha (Chair), Smart Solutions for Smart Cities. Symposium conducted by CII and APTDC, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

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